Club fees and membership to Australian Kendo Renmei(federation)
The monthly Club fee: The club fee will be plus 5 dollars from February 2024.
$25/month for adults
$20 for kids under 18
Family discount: available(please inquire)
Deposit details:
Commonwealth Bank
Account Name: Musashi Kai
BSB Number 064–138
Account Number 1073 6947
a bamboo sword (available in any Japanese Kendo online shop or you can buy a brand new Shinai from us at $35 )
a pair of uniforms (Kendo Gi and Hakama) - as you progress you need to have a Kendo Uniform set which is available from any online shops in Japan. We have a Japanese shop which offers a 25% discount
Bogu( Men, Do, Kote, Tare)-these pieces of equipment, amour is not an immediate gear to prepare.
However, after 3 months of training, it is encouraged to prepare them so that you can train to the next
Membership fee:
At a certain earliest stage, we strongly recommend you become a member of the Australian Kendo Renmei AKR so that you are insured with injury, grading, seminars, and competition if you wish to attend.
It encouraged that you be graded in March, July, and December (you need to be trained 3 months before the grading exam) organized by the Queensland Kendo Federation.
The annual membership fees:
$90 for Adults
$70 for Juniors.
Application Form for QKR(Queensland Kendo Renmei):
Different from other martial arts like Karate, Judo, and Aikido, in Kendo, you need a set of equipment to train after a couple of months. Second-hand equipment might be available on the net if you research. The Club fee is kept lower than other clubs considering your equipment cost just to support.
It does cost but it would be worth and rewarding for years of training. Kendo practice is enjoyed by more than 60 countries in the world and 2.8 million people of all ages practice(1.7 m in Japan) under one organization, Nihon Kendo Renmei.